Have you been wondering what the difference is between a Watch and a Warning? Are you wondering what the purpose is for either? Watch this video to find out more!
Understanding Lightning: Types of Flashes
There are two main types of lighting: intra-cloud lightning and cloud-to-ground lightning.
Intra-cloud lightning is an electrical discharge between oppositely charged areas within the thunderstorm cloud.
Cloud-to-ground lightning is a discharge between opposite charges in the cloud and on the ground. Cloud-to-ground lightning can either occur between negative charges in the cloud and positive charges on the ground (a negative flash) or between positive charges in the cloud and negative charges on the ground (a positive flash).
Each cloud-to-ground lightning flash consists of one or more leaders followed by one or more return strokes. The leader is the initial step in the lightning flash and establishes the conductive channel that the electrical discharge (lightning) will take. There are different types of leaders. The most common type of leader is the negative stepped leader. Once a charged leader makes a connection with the ground, the return stroke occurs. The return stroke is simply the rapid discharge of electricity that has accumulated on the leader. We see this discharge as the bright flash of lightning
To see slow-motion video of lighting in action, check out: http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/science/science_slow_motion_flashes.htm
Armed Forces Day
Today, we say ‘Thank you’ to our members of the Armed Forces, who have answered the call to serve our community in a capacity deserving of our deepest gratitude. Wisconsin Emergency Management, and all counties throughout the state, partner with the National Guard, relying on their assistance when disasters happen that tax the local resources.
EMS Week
This week, we recognize all the Emergency Medical Services that give of their time and talents to help those in need of medical attention in the area. Our many thanks to the members of our First Responder groups based out of Boaz, Ithaca, and Yuba, and the Lone Rock and Richland County Ambulance Services for being on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The Richland County Ambulance would like to invite members of the community to their Open House Fundraiser on Saturday, May 21st, from 10am until 2pm on Haseltine St., next to the Richland County Courthouse. There will be a brat stand with grass-fed all-beef hotdogs, MacroBars, and more! All money raised will be used to purchase new equipment upgrades and for community involvement projects.
In addition to the brat stand, there will also be several information and activity stations to learn more about emergency situations and how community members can help EMS help them. In addition to blood pressure checks and information about common medical emergencies, there will also be a table with information from the Aging & Disability Resource Center as well as a representative from Richland Hospital’s Emergency Department! Visitors who stop at two of the information and activity stations will be entered into a raffle for prizes such as a well-stocked first aid kit and a beautiful canvas print. You can also enter your workplace, club, or group into a drawing for a free CPR class!
The Richland County Ambulance always appreciates the ability to interact with and educate our community about EMS and how they can take charge of their health so they might only have to see an ambulance at fun events such as this!
Salvation Army Week
This week is also a week to celebrate the Salvation Army! Salvation Army Week was first declared by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954. In his speech, President Eisenhower noted,
“Among Americans, the Salvation Army has long been a symbol of wholehearted dedication to the cause of human brotherhood. In time of war, the men and women of this organization have brought to those serving their country far from home, friendliness and warm concern. In the quieter days of peace, their work has been a constant reminder to us all that each of us is neighbor and kin to all Americans. Giving freely of themselves, the men and women of the Salvation Army have won the respect of us all.”
To see yet another way the Salvation Army has impacted your life, watch this short video and remember to thank our area Salvation Army members for being a part of the organization that brought us doughnuts!